Register now for 2025 and receive an industry-leading discount!

Questions? Write to us or just call us πŸ“ž. We are here for you!

Would you like to redeem the GHG quota for 2025 for your electric car at Tessi-Supply? Great πŸš—πŸ’¨, here are your options:

You will receive your payout immediately and will not have to wait months for it.

Option 1 : Get a €75 discount on your order at 😍. This way you can make the most of your GHG quota! No long wait, just an immediate discount.

To do this, first fill out the form at the end of this page ✍️ and transfer the quota to our reliable partner and market leader Elektroautovorteil.

Then order from our shop with Paypal or credit card and we will credit you the 75€ within 24 hours πŸŽ‰.

Option 2 : You want a payout, no problem. Simply give us your GHG quota for 2025 and after successful marketing, €65 will land in your account within 3-6 months .

But wait, what exactly is the GHG quota? πŸ€” In short, it helps to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, especially in transport. Companies that sell fossil fuels and thus contribute to CO2 emissions must reduce their emissions every year. If they don't do this, they have to pay a fine 😱. You can find out more about this at the Environmental Agency.

A small note ⚠️: Unfortunately, no more quotas can be transferred for 2024. Our contracts are only 1-year contracts, you do not have to cancel separately!

How do you redeem your quota with us? Simply fill out the form below πŸ“. You will need the vehicle registration document for your electric car. If you choose the first option, please order in our shop beforehand and use the same email address πŸ“§. If we do not find an order with this email, we will let you know.

Don't worry, this is not a subscription 🚫. Next year you can redeem the GHG quota with us or elsewhere. To redeem, please register here πŸ”—.

Because many certificates are currently being submitted to the Federal Environment Agency, it can take up to 6 months for the payment for option 2 ⏳. Thank you for your understanding πŸ™!